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Simple way to reduce pdf capacity

궁금증 해결사

by 왕팡디:> 2022. 6. 23. 21:40


Large-capacity pdf file documents often require reduced capacity,

such as time consuming for transfer and browsing, or taking up significant storage space.

Today, we're going to talk about two simple ways to reduce PDF capacity.

Table of Contents

1. Reduce pdf capacity in smallpdf
2. Reduce pdf capacity in ilovepdf

1. Reduce pdf capacity in smallpdf


Among many websites, I will introduce two sites that I often use.
The first way to reduce pdf capacity is to use smallpdf.
You can go directly to the site and reduce the pdf capacity.



Compress PDF – Reduce your PDF Online for Free

No file size limits, no ad watermarks - just a free, beautiful and simple online pdf compressor to reduce the size of your PDFs and maintain good quality.


1. Go to the website.

2. Select File / Drag the file.
3. Upload will proceed.
4. Select Basic Compression/Powerful Compression and click the compress button.
5. Compression will proceed.
6. In the list on the right, click Download.

reduce pdf capacity


2. Reduce pdf capacity in ilovepdf



Compress PDF online. Same PDF quality less file size

Compress PDF file to get the same PDF quality but less filesize. Compress or optimize PDF files online, easily and free.


1. Go to the website.

2. Click the Select multiple pdf files button / drag the file.
3. Select the compression level from the list on the right.
4. Click the pdf compression button at the bottom of the list on the right.
5. Compression will proceed.
6. Downloaded automatically.


reduce pdf capacity


I use pdf file documents in various fields such as corporate introduction, ppt, and portfolio.

The pdf documents that need to be submitted to the company have a set standard capacity, so it can be a problem when submitting them if they deviate from it.

Also, if the pdf capacity increases a lot, it takes a very long time to read it.
For that reason, today we've learned how to reduce pdf capacity with the pdf viewer, which is a simple way to reduce pdf capacity, and how to reduce pdf capacity on the ilovepdf site.



I hope it helped you and I'll end the sentence.

Thank you for reading the long article.
Have a nice day.


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